Until about April of 2015, this was a really good digital magazine version. There was terrific digital bonus stuff - links to song samples and trailers, excerpts from a featured book connected to the review, and links to purchase or stream items (like tickets or videos, respectively). The fonts used throughout were very readable and consistent. And the photos were well done. But now...
Now there are ZERO bonus digital features. Seriously, NONE. No links, no nothing. I even contacted their customer support and they confirmed it. That was a huge loss to take away that stuff (I added many films to my go-see list based on trailers, bought songs and albums after hearing song samples, and downloaded many books to my Kindle after getting caught up in the little teaser). Their support person offered no explanation. SO, EW, AT LEAST PLEASE UPDATE YOUR APP DESCRIPTION!
Additionally, the fonts changed to be smaller and more narrow, making it difficult to read sometimes, and inconsistent thought each issue.
And finally, the photos... They are photoshopped to the heavens. All women and some of the men are so long and slender they almost look like aliens (women like Melissa McCarthy - who is beautiful without that nonsense - are unrecognizable). And there is not a wrinkle or pore to be found anywhere, regardless of age. As if some people in the entertainment industry dont age backward enough as it is.
I dont know what changed over there a few months ago, but it is clearly not for the better. At least their reporting and reviews are still pretty good.
Lorifun about Entertainment Weekly Magazine