Starting everything again, and again, and again, again, and again, again, again, again, agai, agi, ag, a, ... sorry I was to tired I fall a sleep.
I didnt even having time to eat till yesterday...!!!!!
Starting everything again, and again, and again....
It is finish with this experience, with magazine and books on tablets, macs, pcs, numeric, anywere else...
To much trouble, time and money waisting.
I am going back to paper...
It is a lot cheaper, and after I paid for it, no body decide anything about it without asking me before...and in a hundred years from know, if I want, some one will be abble to read the book or the magazine I bought yesterday, without having to spend a penny to be abble to read it, and between today and this day, lots of people may read-it to if I want to.
LordWilliam about Entertainment Weekly Magazine, v24.2.2